Room reservation
1. The contractor shall perform the reservation by taking from the Consumer information to make reservations by mail, telephone and other communication means that allow to establish that the request comes from the consumer. 2. Booking rooms through the website of the Hotel is carried out by filling forms installed on the site of the Hotel. 3. At the conclusion of the contract on rendering of services with the Consumer can be established application form for reservation. Under the user in this Contract is defined as a physical or legal entity having intention to order or acquire or ordering, or purchasing of hotel services in accordance with the contract on rendering of hotel services in favor of the consumer. 4. The contractor uses the following types of reservation: guaranteed reservation non-guaranteed reservation. 5. The reservation is considered valid from the date of receiving by customer of confirmation of the contractor. 6. The confirmation is carried out by the contractor in the form of the account-confirmation that contains the following information: the name (corporate name) of the contractor, the customer (consumer) category (a) room booked and its price, on the conditions of booking on the dates of your stay in the hotel, term of payment. 7. Advance payment when booking to be paid by the consumer or by the customer within the time specified in the invoice, issued by an account-confirmation or in accordance with conditions of current special offers, information about which is placed on the website in the Internet or online portals that sell the hotel services of the Contractor, in the Internet. 8. In case a consumer is not an advance payment within the prescribed period, the reservation is non-guaranteed, and overdue for payment account-confirmation in terms of price loses its legal force. The price of the rooms on this reservation by the consumer at the price prevailing on the date of settlement. 9. When placing a consumer advance payment is credited against the payment of the cost of living in the room. 10. The consumer is not entitled to require changes agreed at confirmation of the reservation room rate on the price fixed at a different time including the moment of placement in the Hotel.